May 2016 Program

General Meeting Program
May 10, 2016

 Interactive Simulation —> Medical Advances
                         Presented by:  Joseph DiStefano III, Ph.D.
Distinguished Professor of Computer Science and Medicine


“Professor Joe” — as he is called by his students – is currently Chair of the May Gen Meeting Joseph DiStefano IIIComputational & Systems Biology Interdepartmental Program at UCLA, an undergraduate, research-oriented program he has nurtured and honed over several decades. He has authored or co-authored more than 200 research articles, and recently published his opus textbook: Dynamic Systems Biology Modeling and Simulation.

The use of computer-based simulation technologies has been popular for many years in industries such as the automotive and aerospace sectors. Professor Joe and his team have developed an open- source web app, THYROSIM. It is browser-based software that analyzes patient data and simulates responses to treatment. Clinicians, researchers, educators, and patients (patient education) use it to accurately gauge the impacts of thyroid treatments and to develop more effective remedies for thyroid problems.


He will also include in his presentation another web app called COMBOS, used for analyzing certain quantitative properties of nonlinear differential equation models.