Who Are We
The Los Angeles Computer Society (LACS) is a voluntary non-profit section 501(c)(3) public benefit (charitable and educational) corporation organized for the following purposes: To provide a forum in the Los Angeles community for exchanging ideas and information about personal computers and their uses; To provide education and help in solving computer-related problems; To provide information about commercial software and hardware and access to public domain software; To educate and foster the development of computer-related skills among members and the general public.
Originally organized in the early 1980s as the UCLA PC Users Group then incorporated in July 1991 when we changed to our current name. Most members are avid personal computer users at home and/or at work. The age of our members ranges from 16 to over 80. There are many opportunities for members to get involved in various LACS activities. Monthly general meetings are open to anyone without charge. Numerous special interest groups also meet each month.
The term for Officers is one year and two years for Directors. In June/July the President appoints a Nominating Committee to recommend one or more persons for each Office, and three or more persons for Directors. Of course members may make nominations. Normally the election is held in September. The elected “take office” on January 1.
LACS is affiliated with APCUG, an International Association of Technology & Computer User Groups, whose mission is:
- Encourage, promote, and enable communications and the exchange of information among computer user groups.
- Assist user groups in the fulfillment of their educational and charitable missions and other activities that support those missions.
- Promote the awareness of the value of user groups to the community and the computer industry.
- Facilitate communications among user groups, the community and the computer industry.
To learn more about APCUG, to find a user group, and such (Click Here).